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Recent IELTS Writing Topics

Welcome to our IELTS Writing Topics series, where we explore a wide range of subjects frequently appearing in the IELTS exam. The Writing section is an essential component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), assessing your ability to communicate effectively in written English. By familiarizing yourself with common IELTS writing topics, you can better prepare for the exam and increase your chances of achieving a high band score.


In this series, we will delve into various writing topics you may encounter in both Task 1 and Task 2 of the IELTS Writing test. These topics cover a diverse range of areas, including social issues, technology, environment, education, health, culture, and more. By exploring these subjects, you will gain valuable insights into the types of questions you might face, the key aspects to consider, and the language skills required to tackle them successfully.


Each topic will be accompanied by valuable tips, techniques, and strategies to help you effectively structure your essay, develop strong arguments, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and manage your time efficiently during the exam. We will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the task requirements, guiding you through the process of planning, writing, and reviewing your essays.


Furthermore, we encourage you to actively engage with the topics by practising writing essays on each subject. Regular practice not only improves your writing skills but also enhances your ability to generate ideas, think critically, and present coherent arguments within the given time frame.


Whether you are a first-time test-taker or aiming to improve your previous IELTS Writing score, this series will serve as your go-to resource for comprehensive guidance and support. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence necessary to excel in the IELTS Writing section.


So, join us on this journey as we delve into the depths of various IELTS writing topics, equip you with the skills to express your ideas effectively, and help you achieve the IELTS band score you desire. Let's begin exploring the fascinating world of IELTS Writing topics together!

Recent Topics

Task 1: Describe a Chart or Graph One of the common writing tasks in IELTS Writing Task 1 is describing a chart or graph. Recent topics have covered a wide range of areas, such as employment rates, energy consumption, and population growth. To tackle these topics effectively, it is important to understand how to interpret the data and present key trends or patterns. Remember to provide a clear overview and support your description with specific details and figures.


Task 2: Discuss an Issue or Express an Opinion in IELTS Writing Task 2, you are asked to present your thoughts on a particular issue or express an opinion on a given topic. Recent prompts have covered a broad spectrum of subjects, including technology, education, environment, and social issues. When addressing these topics, it is crucial to develop a well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that present supporting evidence, and a concise conclusion. Take a stance and provide compelling arguments while considering different perspectives.


Task 3: Advantages and Disadvantages Another common type of Task 3 prompt is the advantages and disadvantages essay. Recent topics have explored areas like globalization, online shopping, and social media. To tackle these prompts effectively, consider listing the advantages and disadvantages separately, providing examples to support each point. It is essential to present a balanced argument and offer your opinion while addressing both sides of the topic.


Task 4: Problem and Solution In some cases, the Task 4 prompt will ask you to discuss a specific problem and propose solutions. Recent topics have focused on issues such as pollution, urbanization, and healthcare. To excel in this type of essay, clearly identify the problem, discuss its causes and effects, and provide well-developed solutions with practical examples. Consider the feasibility and potential impact of your proposed solutions.


Some additional topics are also available:

Task 1: Describe a Process

  • The process of manufacturing a product (e.g., chocolate, paper, smartphone)
  • The process of recycling or waste management
  • The process of how a natural phenomenon occurs (e.g., formation of a thunderstorm, photosynthesis)

Task 2: Maps and Plans

  • Changes in a city's infrastructure over time (e.g., the development of a town, a shopping centre, or a university campus)
  • Comparison of maps showing a historical site or landmark in the past and present
  • Plans of a building or complex (e.g., an airport, a stadium, a shopping mall)

Task 3: Cause and Effect

  • Discuss the causes and effects of climate change
  • Explore the reasons behind the rise in obesity rates and its consequences
  • Analyze the impacts of technology on society and individuals

Task 4: Education

  • The role of technology in education and its benefits or drawbacks
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning
  • The importance of teaching life skills in schools

Task 5: Culture and Traditions

  • The Impact of Globalization on traditional cultures
  • Discuss the significance of preserving cultural heritage in the face of modernization
  • Analyze the effects of tourism on local traditions and customs

Task 6: Health and Lifestyle

  • The benefits of regular physical exercise and the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle
  • Discuss the causes and solutions to the rising levels of stress in modern society
  • The effects of unhealthy eating habits and the importance of a balanced diet

Remember, these topics are just examples, and the actual topics in your IELTS exam may vary. It's essential to practice writing essays on a variety of topics to develop your skills in generating ideas, structuring your response, and supporting your arguments with relevant examples and evidence.


Additionally, it's crucial to stay updated with current events, as the IELTS exam often includes topics related to global issues, social trends, and technological advancements. Regularly reading newspapers, magazines, and online articles can help you stay informed and broaden your knowledge base for IELTS Writing and other sections of the exam.

Resources to help with the IELTS Writing test:

Preparing for the IELTS Writing test requires a combination of practice, guidance, and access to reliable resources. Here are some valuable resources you can use to help you prepare effectively:

  1. Official IELTS Materials: Start by familiarizing yourself with the official IELTS materials provided by the test administrators, such as the British Council, IDP Education, or Cambridge Assessment English. These materials include practice tests, sample answers, and detailed information about the test format and scoring criteria.
  2. IELTS Preparation Books: There are various IELTS preparation books available in the market that specifically focus on the Writing section. Some popular choices include "IELTS Advantage: Writing Skills" by Richard Brown and Lewis Richards, "Target Band 7: IELTS Academic Module" by Simone Braverman, and "IELTS Writing Task 1 + 2: The Ultimate Guide with Practice to Get a Target Band Score of 8.0+" by Julia White.
  3. Online Writing Courses: Consider enrolling in online courses specifically designed for IELTS Writing preparation. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and IELTS Liz offer courses taught by experienced instructors who provide comprehensive guidance on different writing tasks, scoring techniques, and practice exercises.
  4. Writing Practice Websites: Utilize online platforms that provide writing practice prompts and feedback, such as IELTS Liz ( and IELTS Writing Task ( These websites offer sample questions, model answers, and opportunities to submit your writing for evaluation and feedback.
  5. Writing Task Books: Invest in books that offer a collection of IELTS Writing tasks and model answers. These books provide a wide range of writing prompts across different topics and question types, allowing you to practice your writing skills. Examples include "IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2: Academic and General 2019" by Rachel Mitchell and "IELTS Writing Task 2 Samples: Over 450 High-Quality Model Essays for Your Reference to Gain a High Band Score 8.0+" by Rachel Mitchell.
  6. Online Forums and Communities: Engage in online forums and communities where IELTS test-takers share their experiences, strategies, and tips. Websites like Reddit (r/IELTS) and IELTS-Blog ( have dedicated sections for IELTS Writing discussions, where you can learn from others, ask questions, and find support.
  7. Writing Correction Services: Consider using professional writing correction services that provide detailed feedback on your writing tasks. These services, such as IELTS Writing Correction ( and IELTS Online Tests (, offer personalized evaluations of your writing with suggestions for improvement.
  8. Official IELTS Websites: Regularly visit the official IELTS websites, such as the British Council (, IDP Education (, and Cambridge Assessment English (, for updated information, tips, and sample questions.

Remember, while utilizing these resources, it is crucial to practice regularly, simulate test conditions, and review your work critically. Focus on improving your language skills, developing strong arguments, and adhering to the time limits. With dedication, consistent practice, and the right resources, you can excel in the IELTS Writing test.

Tips for Success in IELTS Writing: 

  1. Understand the Task Requirements: Carefully read and understand the task requirements for each writing prompt. Pay attention to the instructions, word limits, and specific tasks (e.g., describing, analyzing, discussing, or proposing).
  2. Plan Your Writing: Spend a few minutes planning your essay before you start writing. Outline your main ideas, supporting points, and the structure of your essay. This will help you maintain coherence and organization in your response.
  3. Follow the Proper Essay Structure: Structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Clearly state your main ideas in the introduction, develop them in the body paragraphs with supporting examples, and summarize your arguments in the conclusion.
  4. Develop Strong Arguments: Support your ideas with relevant examples, evidence, and explanations. Use specific details, statistics, or real-life situations to strengthen your arguments and make your writing more persuasive.
  5. Use Cohesive Devices: Employ a range of cohesive devices, such as linking words (e.g., however, moreover, in addition) and transition phrases (e.g., on the other hand, as a result, in conclusion). These devices help connect your ideas, improve the flow of your writing, and demonstrate coherence.
  6. Showcase a Wide Vocabulary: Utilize a diverse range of vocabulary to demonstrate your lexical resource. Use synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and appropriate academic vocabulary to enhance your writing. However, ensure that you use words correctly and in the right context.
  7. Grammar and Sentence Structure: Pay attention to grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. Use a variety of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) to demonstrate your grammatical range. Proofread your work to correct any errors and ensure clarity.
  8. Time Management: Allocate your time wisely during the exam. Plan your writing time, allowing sufficient minutes for brainstorming, writing, and reviewing your essay. Avoid spending too much time on one task, as both Task 1 and Task 2 carry equal weight.
  9. Practice, Practice, Practice: Regularly practice writing essays on a wide range of topics. Familiarize yourself with different question types, and aim to complete timed practice tests to simulate the actual exam conditions. This will help you improve your writing speed, time management, and overall performance.
  10. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from a teacher, tutor, or native English speaker to evaluate your writing. Their input can help identify areas for improvement, such as grammar, vocabulary usage, or overall coherence. Consider using writing correction services that provide detailed feedback on your essays.

Remember, consistent practice and familiarity with the IELTS Writing test format are crucial for success. Focus on developing your language skills, organizing your thoughts effectively, and addressing the task requirements. With dedication and preparation, you can confidently approach the IELTS Writing section and achieve your desired score.


Staying updated with recent IELTS Writing topics and understanding the key techniques to address them can greatly enhance your performance in the exam. Remember to practice regularly, develop a strong essay structure, enhance your vocabulary, and pay attention to grammar and coherence. With dedication and preparation, you can confidently tackle any writing topic that comes your way. Best of luck in your IELTS journey!


In conclusion, understanding and practising a wide range of IELTS writing topics is crucial for success in the Writing section of the IELTS exam. By familiarizing yourself with common themes and subjects, you can develop the necessary skills and confidence to tackle any writing prompt that comes your way.


Throughout this series, we have explored diverse topics spanning social, technological, environmental, educational, and cultural spheres. We have provided valuable insights, expert guidance, and practical tips to help you effectively structure your essays, support your arguments, and showcase your language proficiency.


Remember, consistent practice is key. Take advantage of the resources available to you, such as official IELTS materials, preparation books, online courses, writing practice websites, and feedback services. Engage in active writing exercises, simulate test conditions, and seek feedback from instructors or native English speakers to further enhance your skills.


Additionally, maintaining a strong focus on time management, grammar, vocabulary usage, and coherence will contribute to your overall performance in the IELTS Writing section.


As you continue your preparation, stay updated with current events, expand your knowledge base, and develop a critical mindset. This will enable you to effectively analyse and respond to a variety of IELTS writing topics.


Finally, approach the IELTS Writing section with confidence and a positive mindset. Remember that the more you practice and familiarize yourself with different writing topics, the more comfortable and prepared you will be on exam day.


We hope that this series has provided you with the necessary tools and insights to excel in the IELTS Writing section. Best of luck on your IELTS journey, and may you achieve the band score you desire!

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