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How to Make a Resume That Cannot Be Refused!

Putting together the perfect CV might seem like a daunting task, but with the right guide and must-have pointers, you will be drafting the perfect CV in no time. But before we begin let’s understand:


What is a CV?

A CV and a cover letter are your tools to make an impact on a potential employer and secure an interview. CV details your experiences and skills relevant to the job – always give evidence of where you have used/acquired a skill which you plan on mentioning in the CV.


Why is a CV required?

Writing a quality CV and cover letter for internship and full-time job opportunities begins with a targeted, one-page summary of your skills and experiences that convinces the employer you would be successful in that position. The goal is to make your material so engaging that the reader cannot wait to meet you.

Things to remember when writing an impressive CV for college students:


The most acceptable and readily used format for college students is the chronological resume, in which your most recent experience is listed first. How you choose to construct your resume, in terms of style, is up to you. There are a lot of ready-made CV formats available online, for a better understanding of styling your CV research before you begin. Always maintain the same style throughout your resume.


Contact Information:
Put your contact information at the top of your resume. It should include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If you plan to relocate soon it is acceptable to list a permanent address.


Personal profile/career objective: 
3-4 lines summarizing your main selling points for the job which you are targeting. This section is optional as similar information may be included in your cover.



List your degrees in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree first as well as any study abroad experiences you may have. You may also include relevant coursework to highlight specific skills and knowledge. If your GPA is 3.0 or above, go ahead and list it in this section.


Work Experience:

paid & unpaid; placements/internships/work experience; full/part-time; temporary/permanent/voluntary. Present your experiences in reverse chronological order. You may choose to separate voluntary work. When writing about your experiences, you should be clear about the tasks in which you have been involved and the skills which you have used or developed while performing these tasks.


Interests/extra-curricular activities/positions of responsibility etc:

Give some detail about leadership positions in a university or community organizations, if any. Highlight university and community activities, including community service, athletics (which could be a separate heading) or volunteer experience. Write each of these experiences (include dates), and again think about what you have learned or the skills you have used, particularly those relevant to the job for which you are applying.


Academic Projects:

If you have specific academic projects that qualify you for the position, include them in their own section with Teton what you accomplished through the project.


For international students, it is important to find out more about the kind of format which is accepted in the country where you’re looking for a job. E.g. when applying to positions within the U.S., one-page resumes are standard practice. Employers prefer resume formats which are minimal and easy to read. Personal information like birthdate is omitted to protect candidates from job discrimination as prohibited by federal laws. Including your visa status is usually a good idea to declare your current visa status, so employers know instantly if you are eligible to work in their country. Also writing your CV in the language of the country you want to work in is a good practice, especially in Europe.


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