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How to Ace Your Job Interviews and Get a Job After Finishing Your Studies Abroad

When you think of a job interview, are you suddenly engulfed by fear? Most students are. Students who have finished their course abroad, generally prefer to look for a job within the host country. This decision is based on their affinity for the host country and/or region and the demand for the skills, they possess. However, getting a job is not that simple. Only after the student has impressed the interviewer after a, sometimes, the rigorous interview process is the job secured.


Although your CV and cover letter are both crucial in providing a detailed picture of your skills and experience, an interview is your chance to sell yourself and wow your potential future employer. This post will provide tips to ace your next interview:


Preparation is the key: If you find it difficult to prepare for interviews and tend to give up quickly, or you think you'd prefer to wing it - we'd seriously suggest thinking again. Regardless of the sort of job you're going for, the more time you spend preparing, the easier things will be – and the more confident you'll come across.


Types of Interviews: Interviews can take several formats, including one-to-one, a panel of two or more interviewers, over the telephone, video interviews, and competency-based or strength-based interviews. They are an opportunity for an employer to find out more about you, as well as the chance for you to present your skills and experience. Video and phone interviews are increasingly used by employers in their initial screening, before inviting you to a face-to-face interview or assessment centre.


  • Review your strengths about the job: Read through your application form/CV/cover letter and review the examples you have given to demonstrate how you fit the person's specifications. Think about other examples you might be able to use at the interview. Remember, employers, are looking for evidence of skills and personal qualities. For jobs which require specific technical knowledge, you may be asked questions to test this.



  • Interviewing is a two-way street: Don't be afraid to ask questions to determine if this is the right role for you. International employers expect you to ask questions that show you have researched the company. Employers consider your moment to ask questions as something very important, so take the time to prepare a few. However, make sure you don't ask anything that's already been covered, though, or it'll seem like you're not listening.



  • Advantages of being an international student:
  • For bilingual international students, your language skills and cross-cultural communication skills can be an asset especially as more companies are increasing their global presence. Studying abroad takes initiative, resourcefulness, persistence, the ability to interact with diverse individuals and adaptability to new environments – all skills employers value and look for in candidates. During the interview, remember to emphasize these skills as strengths.



  • Work authorization options:
  • Although it is illegal for employers to ask about your immigration status, they can ask if you have work authorization to work in the US and if you will need visa sponsorship now or in the future. You want to facilitate the hiring process for the employer so be prepared to explain it and clarify the employer’s role in the process.



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